- Lamb Formula
- Lambda Transition
- Langevin Function
- Langmuir–Blodgett Film
- Laporte Selection Rule
- Larmor Frequency
- Laser
- Lattice Enthalpy
- Le Chatelier’s Principle
- Lennard Jones Potential
- Level
- Lever Rule
- Lifetime Broadening
- Ligand Field Theory
- Limiting Law
- Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals
- Linear Momentum
- Linear Rotor
- Linear Superposition
- Liquid Crystal
- Liquid Junction Potential
- Lorentzian Line
- Lyman Series
Published:17 May 2024
Concepts in Physical Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2nd edn, 2024, pp. 183-195.
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Physical chemistry is the part of chemistry that seeks to account for the properties and transformations of matter in terms of concepts, principles, and laws drawn from physics. This glossary is a compilation of definitions, descriptions, formulae, and illustrations of concepts that are encountered throughout the subject. This section describes the concepts that begin with the letter L; where appropriate, the entries also describe subsidiary but related concepts. Refer to the Directory for a full list of all the concepts treated.
Lamb Formula
Lambda Transition
A lambda transition (a λ transition) is a phase transition that is not first-order according to the Ehrenfest classification but for which the heat capacity becomes infinite at the transition. It is so called because the shape of the graph of heat capacity against temperature resembles the Greek letter lambda, λ (Figure L.1). Examples include order–disorder transitions in alloys, the onset of ferromagnetism, and the fluid–superfluid transition of liquid helium.
Langevin Function
Langmuir–Blodgett Film
A Langmuir–Blodgett film is a layer of molecules adsorbed on a solid substrate. Such a film can be formed by withdrawing a glass slide from a film-coated solution. The process may be repeated to give a bilayer. In certain cases, the second layer contributes to a bilayer that resembles a biological cell wall.
Laporte Selection Rule
The Laporte selection rule states that for atoms and for molecules with a centre of inversion, the only electric dipole transitions allowed are accompanied by a change of parity: g ⇄ u. The rule arises from the fact that the electric dipole moment has odd parity, so the transition dipole moment is zero except for states such that one is g and the other is u, for then g × u × u = g. The selection rule is broken in vibronic transitions, in which vibrations of the molecule remove the centre of inversion.
Larmor Frequency
The acronym laser stands for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. The operation of a laser relies on achieving a population inversion, a greater number of molecules in an upper energy state than in some lower state, and then stimulating a radiative transition from the upper to the lower state (Figure L.4).
The characteristics of laser radiation and their application in chemistry are:
Intense; and therefore especially useful for Raman spectroscopy.
Pulsed (in some cases); as the pulses may be of very short duration (down to about 1 as), phenomena can be monitored on a very short timescale.
Monochromatic; and therefore suitable for application in high-resolution spectroscopy.
Collimated; and therefore suitable both for high-resolution studies of the spatial distribution of molecules and also in Raman spectroscopy for the detection of forward-scattered radiation.
Coherent; see CARS.
Lattice Enthalpy
The (standard) lattice enthalpy, , is the change in standard molar enthalpy when a solid converts to a vapour, as in the process MX(s) →M+(g) + X−(g) for an ionic solid or A(s) → A(g) for a molecular or covalent solid. It is typically inferred from a Born–Haber cycle; for ionic solids, it is estimated from the Born–Mayer equation. High lattice enthalpies are characteristic of solids with strong internal binding forces, such as ionic solids composed of small, highly charged ions. The term is often used as a synonym for lattice energy, but the two are identical only in the limit T → 0.
Le Chatelier’s Principle
Le Chatelier’s principle states that, a system at equilibrium responds to a change in conditions by tending to minimize their effect. For instance, when the temperature is raised, the composition of a chemical reaction at equilibrium tends to shift in the endothermic direction. When compressed, it tends to shift in the direction that reduces the number of gas-phase molecules. The thermodynamic basis of the effect of temperature is the variation of the equilibrium constant as expressed by the van ’t Hoff equation. The basis of the pressure-dependence is the independence of pressure of the equilibrium constant in association with the manner in which the thermodynamic equilibrium constant depends on the partial pressure of the participants in the reaction. That is, although dK/dp = 0, the numerator and denominator of K may both change but their ratio remains constant.
Lennard Jones Potential
Lever Rule
Lifetime Broadening
Ligand Field Theory
Ligand field theory is an adaptation of molecular orbital theory used to describe the structure of d-metal complexes and to correlate their structural, spectroscopic, and magnetic properties. The molecular orbitals of the complex are constructed from the d orbitals of the central metal atom and symmetry-adapted linear combinations of orbitals supplied by the ligands (Figure L.8). It is a more sophisticated version of crystal field theory in which the ligands are modelled as point negative charges. A focus of ligand field theory is the separation of the frontier orbitals of the complex, which in an octahedral complex are the eg and t2g combinations and their energy difference, which is called the ligand filed splitting and denoted ΔO. In a tetrahedral complex, the frontier orbitals are e and t2, and the splitting is denoted ΔT. A dN complex contributes N electrons to the frontier orbitals.
The resulting configuration depends on a competition between the size of ΔO and the cost in energy of doubly occupying a single orbital. When ΔO is large, the lowest energy is achieved by pairing the spins and letting them all occupy the lower t2g set of orbitals; this arrangement results in a low-spin complex (Figure L.9). When ΔO is small, the lowest energy is obtained by distributing the electrons over the orbitals and allowing as many if them as possible to have parallel spins; this arrangement results in a high-spin complex.
Limiting Law
A limiting law is a scientific law that is applicable with increasing reliability as one variable of the system tends to zero. Examples of limiting laws are the Debye–Hückel limiting law (which achieves reliability as the ionic strength I → 0), the application of the perfect gas law to real gases as p → 0, and Henry’s law for the vapour pressure of solutes as c → 0. A limiting property is the limit of a property as the concentration approaches zero, as in the limiting molar conductivity and the limiting enthalpy of solution, the limits of these properties as the concentration approaches zero. Limiting values avoid the complication of solute−solute interactions.
Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals
Linear Momentum
Linear Rotor
Linear Superposition
Liquid Crystal
A liquid crystal is a mesophase that shows structural characteristics of liquids in some directions and of solids in others. The three classes of liquid crystal are cholesteric, nematic, and smectic. See those entries.
Liquid Junction Potential
A liquid junction potential, ELJ, is the contribution to the potential of a galvanic cell that arises from the presence of an interface between two electrolyte solutions. It can be at least partially eliminated by joining the two solutions with a salt bridge, a suspension of ions in a gel.