- D Lines
- d–d Transition
- d Orbital
- δ Orbital
- Daniell Cell
- Davisson–Germer Experiment
- de Broglie Relation
- debye (the unit)
- Debye–Hückel Limiting Law
- Debye–Hückel–Onsager Theory
- Debye–Scherrer Method
- Degeneracy
- Delocalization Energy
- Density Functional Theory
- Density of States
- Depolarization Ratio
- Dialysis
- Diamagnetism
- Diathermic
- Diatomic Molecules
- Diffraction
- Diffusion
- Diffusion-controlled Reaction
- Dihedral Plane
- Direct and Complex Reaction
- Direct Method
- Dislocation
- Dispersion
- Disproportionation Reaction
- Donnan Equilibrium
- Doppler Effect
- Duality
- Dulong and Petit’s Law
Published:17 May 2024
Concepts in Physical Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2nd edn, 2024, pp. 67-82.
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Physical chemistry is the part of chemistry that seeks to account for the properties and transformations of matter in terms of concepts, principles, and laws drawn from physics. This glossary is a compilation of definitions, descriptions, formulae, and illustrations of concepts that are encountered throughout the subject. This section describes the concepts that begin with the letter D; where appropriate, the entries also describe subsidiary but related concepts. Refer to the Directory for a full list of all the concepts treated.
D Lines
The D lines are pair of closely spaced lines in the emission spectrum of alkali metal atoms. They arise from the transition 2P3/2 → 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 → 2S1/2 (Figure D.1). The resulting splitting arises from the spin–orbit coupling in the p1 configuration. In sodium they differ in wavenumber by 17 cm−1.
d–d Transition
A d–d transition is a transition of the electron between d orbitals in a d-metal complex in which the degeneracy of the orbital has been removed by the ligand field. In an octahedral complex the transition is typically eg → t2g (Figure D.2). That transition is symmetry-forbidden but acquires intensity from an antisymmetric vibration of the complex, which destroys the centre of symmetry. It is therefore an example of a vibronic transition, a transition that become allowed by coupling to a vibrational excited mode of the complex.
d Orbital
A d orbital is an atomic orbital with l = 2 (Figure D.3).
Two sets of linear combination of the orbitals shown in Figure D.3 can be formed such that all five of each set have the same shape. One such linear combination is shown in Figure D.4. All five of this set lie along the edges of the double pentagonal pyramid shown in the illustration, which lie at 41.79° to the vertical through the shared apex.
δ Orbital
A δ orbital is a molecular orbital that is formed by the face-to-face overlap of two d orbitals and which when viewed along the internuclear axis resembles a d orbital. A δ orbital contributes to a quadruple bond, which has the composition σ2π4δ2 (Figure D.5).
Daniell Cell
A Daniell cell is a galvanic cell of structure Zn(s)|ZnSO4(aq)|CuSO4(aq)|Cu(s). In laboratory studies it would be Zn(s)|ZnSO4(aq)||CuSO4(aq)|Cu(s) with a salt bridge to eliminate the junction potential.
Davisson–Germer Experiment
The Davisson–Germer experiment is the observation of the diffraction of electrons from layers of atoms in a nickel crystal. The experiment confirmed that electrons have wavelike properties.
de Broglie Relation
debye (the unit)
The unit debye, D, is a non-SI unit widely used to report the electric dipole moment of a molecule: 1 D ≈ 3.335 64 × 10−30 C m. The original definition was that 1 D was the magnitude of the dipole moment of charges +1 esu and −1 esu separated by 1 Å (1 Å = 10−10 m).
Debye–Hückel Limiting Law
The effect of the ionic atmosphere is to change the Coulomb potential due to the central ion to a shielded Coulomb potential with shielding length λ equal to rD.
Debye–Hückel–Onsager Theory
Debye–Scherrer Method
The Debye–Scherrer method in X-ray diffraction employs a monochromatic beam of X-rays and a powdered solid, initially in a capillary tube and recorded photographically but now spread on a flat plate and recorded electronically.
A level is degenerate if two or more states have the same energy. Degeneracy can normally be traced to a symmetry of the system that allows the wavefunctions of degenerate states to be converted into one another by a symmetry operation (Figure D.7). It follows from group theoretical arguments that the maximum degeneracy of a level of a system (such as a molecule) is equal to the largest character for the identity operation in the character table of the system’s point group. Thus, a molecule with C5 symmetry can have levels that are no more than twofold degenerate, and a molecule with octahedral symmetry can have levels that are no more than threefold degenerate.
In certain cases, degeneracy exists even though superficial inspection of the system does not reveal the presence of symmetry operations able to interrelate wavefunctions. The exact (rather than merely numerically similar) degeneracies are then classified as accidental. One example of accidental degeneracy is provided by a hydrogenic atom, in which all orbitals with the same principal quantum number have the same energy. Another is the degeneracy of the states of a particle in a rectangular box with the sides in various rational proportions (Figure D.8). A third is the high degeneracy of the states of a particle in an equilateral triangular region. However, in such cases deeper inspection of the system shows the presence of a hidden symmetry that interrelates the wavefunctions. The illustration shows the internal rotations that account for the double degeneracy of the level of energy 5h 2/8mL 2 in a rectangular well corresponding to the states {nX,nY} = {1,4} and {2,2} with one side that is twice as long as the other side. The accidental degeneracy of a hydrogenic atom is due to the SO4 symmetry of the Coulomb potential (its rotational symmetry in four dimensions).
Delocalization Energy
For butadiene, Edeloc = 0.48|β|; for benzene Edeloc = 2|β|.
Density Functional Theory
Density of States
The density of states, ρ, is the number of states in a small range of energies divided by the width of the energy of the range: ρ = dN/dE (Figure D.9). In other words, the number of states between E and E + dE is ρdE, with ρ evaluated at E.
Depolarization Ratio
The process of dialysis is the removal of small molecules and ions from solution that also contains macromolecules or colloidal particles by using a membrane that allows the passage of only the smaller molecules. The process is accelerated in electrodialysis, which is dialysis in the presence of an electric field.
A diamagnetic substance is one with a negative magnetic susceptibility. Diamagnetic substances tend to move out of a magnetic field. The magnetic flux density inside a diamagnetic substance is less than in a vacuum. All substances have a diamagnetic contribution to their total magnetic susceptibility. It arises from the generation of electronic currents which give rise to a magnetic field that opposes the applied field. In certain cases, especially when a molecule has low-lying excited states, the induced current runs in the opposite direction and augments the applied field, giving rise to temperature-independent paramagnetism (TIP).
A diathermic boundary is a boundary that permits the passage of energy (as heat) when there is a temperature difference across it.
Diatomic Molecules
Schematic molecular orbital energy level diagrams for homonuclear diatomic molecules of Period 2 are shown in Figure D.11, with the uppermost filled orbital (the HOMO) labelled for each species. The change in the diagram between Groups 15 and 16 arises from the changing separation of the atomic s and p orbitals: when the separation is large, they may be treated separately (qualitatively, at least) but not when the separation is small.
Diffraction is the interference that occurs between waves due to an object in their path. The resulting pattern of intensity is called the diffraction pattern. Diffraction occurs when the dimensions of the diffracting object or its detailed structure are comparable to the wavelength of the radiation. The diffraction pattern arising from light incident on a screen with two slits is illustrated in Figure D.12. Diffraction from a stack of semitransparent planes is the basis of Bragg’s law of diffraction, which was used in early X-ray crystallography.
Diffusion-controlled Reaction
Dihedral Plane
A dihedral plane, σd, is a mirror plane that bisects the angle between two twofold axes of symmetry (Figure D.13).
Direct and Complex Reaction
In a direct reaction of the form A + BC → AB + C, the replacement of C by A takes place very quickly by an immediate exchange as soon as the reactants come within reactive range. In a complex reaction, the ABC cluster survives for a period before ejecting C.
Direct Method
The direct method of analyzing X-ray diffraction data is a statistical procedure for tackling the phase problem by computing the probabilities that phases have specific values.
A dislocation in a crystal is a discontinuity in the regularity of the lattice. In a screw dislocation (Figure D.14) the unit cells in one region are pushed up relative to those in a neighbouring region. The result is a path encircling an axis and forming a continuous spiral.
The dispersion of a property, such as refractive index, is its variation with frequency (see polarizability).
Disproportionation Reaction
In a disproportionation reaction an atom of an element undergoes both reduction and oxidation. An example is the reaction 2 Cu+(aq) → Cu(s) + Cu2+(aq). The reverse of disproportionation is comproportionation. An example is Ag2+(aq) + Ag(s) → 2 Ag+(aq).
Donnan Equilibrium
Doppler Effect
Duality is the possession by particles of wavelike properties and vice versa. Duality is the essence of the Schrödinger equation, which provides a means to calculate the wavefunctions that describe the dynamical properties of particles. Duality is expressed by the de Broglie equation, λ = h/p, by which a wavelength is ascribed to a particle with nonzero linear momentum. Experimental evidence for duality includes the diffraction of particles and the photoelectric effect.
Dulong and Petit’s Law
According to Dulong and Petit’s law, all monatomic nonmetallic solids should have a molar heat capacity equal to 3R. This value would be obtained by the atoms acting as classical oscillators, but due to their quantized character, not all vibrations can be stimulated at low temperatures, so the molar heat capacity falls below 3R. See heat capacity.