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I thank Valeria Sapiain for all-around support and much patience over the nearly three years I spent working on this book. I received much valuable feedback, support and mentoring from many, but I note especially Judith Baker Waller, Doug Fowler, Caroline Geary, Anne Haydock, Teresa Patrick, and Martin Rudd. I also give my heartfelt thanks to the members of Edinburgh LoFi, who kept their Second Tuesday meetings virtual after the pandemic lock down was lifted, in part so I could participate: Gregg McNeil, Alison Millar, Elaine Robson, Graeme Lyall, and especially Brittonie Fletcher, whose crucial support over the past several years has meant more than I know how to say. I greatly appreciate the feedback and support I have received from many members of the Madison, Wisconsin-based organization PhotoMidwest. My experiences in 2022 and 2023 presenting workshops at the Experimental Photography Festival, in Barcelona, were both rewarding and educational. I am very much indebted to the participants in my workshops for their good grace and acceptance in allowing me to learn from them while acting as test subjects for some of my own ideas. The many conversations with experimental photographers at the festival were invaluable. In particular, Annette Golaz has been a friend, supporter, and inspiration for many ideas in this book, as is evident from the many times her name comes up in its pages. The past two years working on projects with Laura Pannack have been an eye-opening adventure. Without these many connections to keep me thinking and keep me honest, this book would be only a shadow of itself.

The following software applications were used in the writing of this book: GIMP, Gnuplot, Inkscape, SciDAVis, OpticalRayTracer, OptGeo, TeXstudio, CyberSky™, JabRef, VueScan, and Darktable.

All photographs, images, tables, figures, and illustrations are by the author, except as noted below:

, (
Photography (Second Edition): Physics and Art in Focus
IOP Publishing
File:American Beaver.jpg, Wikimedia Commons, (n.d.),
File:Chlorophyll_ab_spectra-en.svg, Wikimedia Commons, (n.d.),
File:SantaCruz-CuevaManos-P2210651b.jpg, Wikimedia Commons, (n.d.),
, Standard solar spectrum, (n.d.),
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