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John Beaver is Professor of Physics and Astronomy at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, where he has taught physics, astronomy, photography, and interdisciplinary courses. He earned his BS in physics and astronomy in 1985 from Youngstown State University, and his PhD in astronomy in 1992 from Ohio State University. His published work in astronomy is on the spectrophotometry of comets and gaseous nebulae, and multi-color photometry of star clusters.

John has exhibited photographs in both solo exhibitions and many juried competitions in the US—in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, New York, Louisiana, Missouri, Oregon, and Colorado—and in Barcelona, Spain, where in both 2022 and 2023 he was an invited artist at the Experimental Photography Festival. Beaver has long been involved in art–science collaborations in the classroom, at academic conferences, and in art galleries and planetaria. His previous books are The Big Picture: The Universe in Five S.T.E.P.S. (Springer, 2020), The Physics and Art of Photography, published in three volumes by Morgan and Claypool (2018), and Photography: Physics and Art in Focus (IOP Publishing, 2022).

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