Challenges and Prospects in Organic Photonics and Electronics: Faraday Discussion 250
Research developments across organic photonics and electronics have highlighted the essential role of organic photovoltaics (OPVs), organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), and organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) in many future technologies. Although significant technological improvements have been made and some materials are already commercialised, this is a continuously developing area of research with further challenges to address.
This Faraday Discussion is a perfect format for this, as the papers and discussions cover interdisciplinary and exciting topics from chemistry, physics, biology, and integrated fields to focus on solutions to current challenges in organic photonics and electronics.
This volume brings together established and early-career scientists, post-graduate students and industrial researchers to cover a wide range of topical subjects across organic photonics and electronics and related fields.
In this volume the topics covered are organised into the following themes:
Organic neuromorphics and bioelectronics
Organic batteries
Excitonic organic materials for photochemical and optoelectronic applications
Organic thermoelectrics
Challenges and Prospects in Organic Photonics and Electronics: Faraday Discussion 250, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2024.
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