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I would like to thank the Royal Society of Chemistry for its flexibility and support during the preparation of this volume, and in particular my commissioning editor Helen Armes, for her patience while the manuscript was in preparation. I also wish to thank the production department for taking up the challenge of realising my vision for the cover image. I would also like to acknowledge the lasting influence of my fifth and sixth form chemistry teacher, Dave Williams, then Head of Science at North Romford Comprehensive School in the London Borough of Havering, who demonstrated how chemistry should be taught for understanding.

I would also like to recognise the importance of the University of Cambridge’s policy of awarding Emeritus titles to retiring senior academic staff. This tradition makes acknowledgement to the past contributions of the individual scholars, as well as recognising the vast collective contribution made to academia, and so to society, by those great many scholars no longer receiving a stipend but continuing to contribute pro bono through such activities as publication; service to journals, conferences and research funders; service to learned societies, teaching associations, and various public bodies; and offering mentorship and guidance to less experienced colleagues. In regard to the present work, being an Emeritus Officer of the University allows continued access to the Library resources so important to preparing a volume such as this.

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