1.72 examination traceability 
Property of an examination result whereby it can be related to a reference through a documented unbroken chain of examination calibrations, each contributing to the examination uncertainty
Source: ref. 13 entry 3.21 with Note omitted. 
  Note: In ref. 13 entry 3.4 ‘examination result’ is defined as “set of nominal property values being attributed to an examinand together with any other available relevant information”. 
1.72 examination traceability 
Property of an examination result whereby it can be related to a reference through a documented unbroken chain of examination calibrations, each contributing to the examination uncertainty
Source: ref. 13 entry 3.21 with Note omitted. 
  Note: In ref. 13 entry 3.4 ‘examination result’ is defined as “set of nominal property values being attributed to an examinand together with any other available relevant information”. 

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