Table 1.1

Some Minerals from Weathering and Indirect Biological Causes

CaCO3(Mg) Adsorption of original CO2 by initial ions from the weathering of silicates 
Mg2SiO4 Weathering of magnesium oxides 
Fe3O4, Fe2O3 The products of oxidation of Fe2+ seen in Banded Iron Formations 
BaSO4 Due to the oxidation of sulfide 
CaCO3(Mg) Adsorption of original CO2 by initial ions from the weathering of silicates 
Mg2SiO4 Weathering of magnesium oxides 
Fe3O4, Fe2O3 The products of oxidation of Fe2+ seen in Banded Iron Formations 
BaSO4 Due to the oxidation of sulfide 

Note. There are many other minerals formed from these two causes in small quantities

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