Figure 1.1
Zeeman energy levels of spin systems in a quantizing field B⃑0 (assumed to point upwards). The double arrows between the levels indicate the (allowed) zero-, single-, and double-quantum transitions relevant for spin relaxation. The spectral densities (ωk) of the fluctuations inducing these transitions are indicated. In the schemes, all gyromagnetic ratios are assumed to be positive. (a) Dipolar coupled ‘like’ spin pairs with quantum numbers I=½, S=½, magnetic quantum numbers mI, mS and a common gyromagnetic ratio γ. The spin eigenstates are symbolized by kets |↑↑〉, |↑↓〉, |↓↑〉 and |↓↓〉 for the diverse combinations of spin-up and spin-down states relative to the vector B⃑0. The Zeeman eigenenergies are , where ω=γB0 is the angular Larmor frequency. The angular transition frequencies are ωk=kω for zero- (k=0), single- (k=1) and double- (k=2) quantum transitions. Typical examples are protons in organic materials. (b) Pairs of dipolar coupled ‘unlike’ spins ½ having different gyromagnetic ratios γI≠γS and Larmor frequencies ωI=γIB0 and ωS=γSB0. The Zeeman eigenenergies are . The angular transition frequencies are ωk=|ΔEk|/ħ for zero- (ω0=|ωS−ωI|), single- (ω1=ωI) and double- (ω2=ωS+ωI) quantum transitions. Typical examples are protons with spins I coupled to unpaired electrons with spin S. (c) (Single) spins 1 subjected to quadrupole interaction in the high-field limit. Quadrupolar coupled spin-1 particles have three Zeeman eigenstates with the kets |m=1〉, |m=0〉 and |m=−1〉 and energies Em=−mħω. The angular Larmor frequency is ω=γB0 as before. The angular transition frequencies are ωk=|ΔEk|/ħ=kω for single- (k=1) and double- (k=2) quantum transitions. Typical examples are deuterons.

Zeeman energy levels of spin systems in a quantizing field B⃑0 (assumed to point upwards). The double arrows between the levels indicate the (allowed) zero-, single-, and double-quantum transitions relevant for spin relaxation. The spectral densities (ωk) of the fluctuations inducing these transitions are indicated. In the schemes, all gyromagnetic ratios are assumed to be positive. (a) Dipolar coupled ‘like’ spin pairs with quantum numbers I=½, S=½, magnetic quantum numbers mI, mS and a common gyromagnetic ratio γ. The spin eigenstates are symbolized by kets |↑↑〉, |↑↓〉, |↓↑〉 and |↓↓〉 for the diverse combinations of spin-up and spin-down states relative to the vector B⃑0. The Zeeman eigenenergies are , where ω=γB0 is the angular Larmor frequency. The angular transition frequencies are ωk= for zero- (k=0), single- (k=1) and double- (k=2) quantum transitions. Typical examples are protons in organic materials. (b) Pairs of dipolar coupled ‘unlike’ spins ½ having different gyromagnetic ratios γIγS and Larmor frequencies ωI=γIB0 and ωS=γSB0. The Zeeman eigenenergies are . The angular transition frequencies are ωk=|ΔEk|/ħ for zero- (ω0=|ωSωI|), single- (ω1=ωI) and double- (ω2=ωS+ωI) quantum transitions. Typical examples are protons with spins I coupled to unpaired electrons with spin S. (c) (Single) spins 1 subjected to quadrupole interaction in the high-field limit. Quadrupolar coupled spin-1 particles have three Zeeman eigenstates with the kets |m=1〉, |m=0〉 and |m=−1〉 and energies Em=−mħω. The angular Larmor frequency is ω=γB0 as before. The angular transition frequencies are ωk=|ΔEk|/ħ= for single- (k=1) and double- (k=2) quantum transitions. Typical examples are deuterons.

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